


Organizar y difundir información especializada a través de conferencias, reuniones, eventos académicos y publicaciones; e incorporar grupos de estudio para diferentes temas en córnea y enfermedades oculares externas, incluyendo ojo seco y enfermedades de la superficie ocular.


Ser reconocida como la sociedad representativa de especialistas en córnea y enfermedades oculares externas de las Américas, tanto a nivel regional como global.

Breve historia

Mi nombre es Daniel Scorsetti, presidente de PanCornea, presenta la Sociedad Panamericana de Córnea.

PanCornea tiene sus raíces en la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Córnea, una institución de suma importancia que actuó como punto de encuentro para la comunidad especializada en córnea durante la década de los 90. En ese período, la Sociedad Iberoamericana propició un espacio único para el intercambio de ideas, la interacción y la presentación de casos complejos, durante la reunión anual que se desarrolló el día anterior a la Academia de Oftalmología de Estados Unidos.

Esta sociedad iberoamericana de córnea fue la precursora de la sociedad panamericana de córnea, que terminó siendo fusionada con la iberoamericana, cambia su nombre y actualmente tiene una importancia muy elevada en todo nuestro continente sudamericano y centroamericano por la gran participación que se ha desarrollado en estos últimos años.

La sociedad cuenta con un consejo y tres presidentes que ya cumplieron sus mandatos. El Dr. José Álvaro Pereira Gomes, el Dr. Víctor Pérez, y el Dr. Juan Carlos Abad, tristemente fallecido en el 2022. A finales del 2022 me tocó asumir la responsabilidad y el compromiso de poder conducir a la sociedad. Hoy, Pancornea ocupa un lugar muy importante como sociedad supranacional dentro de nuestro espacio latinoamericano. Con ello, hemos realizado algún consenso, por ejemplo, el Consenso de Queratocono, una idea que surgió de PanCornea y la cual se llevó a cabo hace unos años atrás en Estados Unidos en una reunión conjunta con todas estas sociedades supranacionales.  

A su vez, Pancornea ha realizado tres congresos internacionales, el primero fue en Miami y el segundo y tercero en Cartagena, Colombia. Actualmente, se está organizando el cuarto congreso que se llevará a cabo en Lima, Perú del 6 al 8 de junio de 2024.

PanCornea tiene varios brazos que la constituyen, y que se desarrollan de por sí otras actividades científicas sumamente importantes: 

  • PanCono – coordinado por el Dr. Renato Ambrosio, trabajo colaborativo de actualización sobre todos los temas relacionados al diagnóstico y tratamiento del queratocono.
  • PanLamelar – coordinado por el Dr. Nicolas Cesario Pereira, de Sorocaba, Brasil, en el cual también aunamos todos nuestros esfuerzos para las queratoplastias lamelares con todas sus indicaciones, modificaciones, avances tecnológicos y todo lo que tiene que ver con la cirugía del trasplante. 
  • Pan Superficie – conducido y coordinado por el Dr. Ernesto Otero, de Bogotá, Colombia. En la actualidad se está realizando  una gran actualización en el capítulo del ojo seco y todas las implicaciones que tiene la superficie corneal en el desarrollo de la salud visual y su interacción con la córnea.
  • K Pro – Organizado por el doctor José de la Cruz en Estados Unidos, su objetivo es el desarrollo de nuevos tratamientos y nuevas ideas de queratoprótesis para aquellas soluciones finales, en donde no queda más remedio que recurrir a esta herramienta para pacientes cuya visión está muy comprometida por culpa del segmento anterior, o por culpa de la córnea, pero  donde se mantiene. un segmento posterior estable y podemos devolverles a estos pacientes una instancia de visión que les permita tener independencia, y manejarse de la forma más normal posible en su vida cotidiana.
  • PanCornea Joven – El futuro de nuestra especialidad. Este brazo está a cargo del Dr. Jaime Martínez del Bascom Palmer Eye Institute en Estados Unidos. El objetivo es ofrecer una guía y apoyo a los jóvenes que se decidan por realizar como subespecialidad córnea y superficie ocular. En PanCornea Joven ofrecemos un camino a los jóvenes corneolospara desarrollarse, un lugar para formarse, y para compartir todas sus experiencias profesionales. Les invitamos a participar en los webinars de los Grand Rounds- Terapias de Sillón con el Dr. Jaime Martínez.
  • PanCornea Beyond, un grupo de WhatsApp fundado por el Dr. Juan Carlos  Abad, en el cual los socios pueden participar haciendo consultas, interactuando con profesores de PanCornea, presentando algunos casos, comentando novedades o publicitando algunos eventos de nuestra especialización.

Nuestra intención es seguir creciendo en la comunidad de la  córnea latinoamericana, aumentando la comunicación entre colegas para poder profundizar, debatir y discutir todos los temas que tanto nos apasionan y que están vinculados a la córnea, a la superficie ocular y a la problemática de nuestros pacientes. 

Invitamos a todos los corneológos latinoamericanos y a todas las sociedades de córnea a trabajar de manera conjunta por el bien de nuestros pacientes y de la salud comunitaria.

Muchas gracias.


Corneal Health Top meeting in Orlando, FL, USA, coordinated by José Alvaro Pereira Gomes, MD. Three Latin-American Cornea and Ocular Surface consensus were drafted: Dry eye, postoperative infection prophylaxis and Ocular Allergy. Three papers, one for each Consensus, were published later in Vision Pan America, Arq Bras Oftalmol and J Cataract Refract Surg, respectively.

State of the Art I, at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute (BPEI), Miami, FL, USA, coordinated by José AP Gomes, MD and Victor L Perez, MD. It was created the PAGSOS (Pan-American Group of Study of Ocular Surface) with the participation of 36 ophthalmologists from Latin-America and USA. The group presented the Consensus results, clinical cases and proposed the formation of other study groups and Latin-American multicentric studies.
State of the Art II at BPEI with the PAGSOS group. Presentation of controversies in the anterior segment. The group was consolidated and started to plan workshops and other projects.

After meetings with the Iberoamerican Cornea Society under the presidency of Ana Luísa Höfling-Lima, MD, the Pan American Association of Ophthalmology (PAAO) led by Mark J. Mannis, MD a new Latin-American Cornea Society named Pan-American Cornea Society (PanCornea) was created during the XXXIV International Ophthalmology Symposium Moacyr Álvaro (SIMASP) held in São Paulo, February 17-19th, to replace the Iberoamerican Cornea Society. José AP Gomes, MD was nominated the first PanCornea president. The State of the Art III was held at BPEI and the PAGSOS was incorporated at the PanCornea. A first Latin-American dry eye prevalence study was designed with the PAGSOS members. The PanCornea was officially announced at the XXIX PAAO Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as the official and only cornea sub-specialty society affiliated of the PAAO.


First PanCornea bylaws and website. Cornea day at the Regional PAAO meeting in Cartagena, Colombia in February. State of the Art IV at BPEI and the Latin American Dry Eye prevalence Study Follow up was performed with the participation of epidemiologists. The second PanCornea study group about corneal ectatic diseases, PanCone, was created.


State of the Art V at BPEI with a Delphi Panel in keratoconus. First Latin American consensus on KC which was published later in the IJKED. This consensus had the participation of members of the Cornea Society and EuCornea and served as a pilot for the I Global Consensus of Keratoconus and Ectactic Diseases. Participated at the XXX PAAO meeting in Rio de Janeiro including a course on KPro surgery. The third PanCornea study group focused on keratoprosthesis, PanKpro, was created.


State of the Art VI in BPEI, with the topic Cornea Nightmares, workshops, web labs and I PanKpro meeting. PanKpro started to plan a multicenter study on Latin-American results of Boston I keratoprosthesis. Cornea Day and symposium on ocular surface at the Colombian Congress of Ophthalmology in Medellin, Colombia, with international participation from Asia Cornea Society. Conclusion of the I Global Consensus on Keratoconus and Ectactic Diseases during the American Academy of Ophthalmology in Chicago, USA, with the participation of PanCornea, EuCornea, AsiaCornea and Cornea society. This global consensus – the first one involving the most important corneal societies under the leadership of PanCornea president José AP Gomes, MD – was considered a milestone in the field and has helped to disseminate current information and guidelines for the diagnosis and management of keratoconus.


Publication of the Global Consensus on Keratoconus right before the VII World Cornea Congress in San Diego, CA, USA. The paper turned to be the most cited in the Cornea journal for years. State of the Art VII at BPEI entitled Cornea Dreams. Victor L. Perez, MD nominated as the second PanCornea president. Coordinated two symposiums during the XXXI PAAO meeting in Bogotá.

Last State of the Art at BPEI with a revision of the dry eye consensus from 5 years ago. First PanCornea webinars. XXXV World Ophthalmology Congress in Guadalajara, México, with an international symposium on Pterygium.

I International PanCornea Congress in Miami, FL, USA on February 24-25th, with the participation of the most important supranational cornea and ocular surface societies, and more than 50 well-known international experts from all over the world. Participated in the XXXII PAAO meeting in Lima, Peru organizing two symposiums.

II International Pancornea Congress during the XXXVIII Biannual International Congress of the Colombian Society of Ophthalmology in Cartagena, Colombia, on July 25th. Juan Carlos Abad is nominated the third president of PanCornea.
PAAO congress in Cancun. Symposia on Kpro complications and something else. Juan Carlos Abad, MD nominated as the third PanCornea president
DEWS II launch in Colombia in January. III Pancornea congress Buenos Aires scheduled in November.
2023 Congreso Pancornea en Acapulco.

Corneal Health Top meeting in Orlando, FL, USA, coordinated by José Alvaro Pereira Gomes, MD. Three Latin-American Cornea and Ocular Surface consensus were drafted: Dry eye, postoperative infection prophylaxis and Ocular Allergy. Three papers, one for each Consensus, were published later in Vision Pan America, Arq Bras Oftalmol and J Cataract Refract Surg, respectively.


State of the Art I, at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute (BPEI), Miami, FL, USA, coordinated by José AP Gomes, MD and Victor L Perez, MD. It was created the PAGSOS (Pan-American Group of Study of Ocular Surface) with the participation of 36 ophthalmologists from Latin-America and USA. The group presented the Consensus results, clinical cases and proposed the formation of other study groups and Latin-American multicentric studies.


State of the Art II at BPEI with the PAGSOS group. Presentation of controversies in the anterior segment. The group was consolidated and started to plan workshops and other projects.


After meetings with the Iberoamerican Cornea Society under the presidency of Ana Luísa Höfling-Lima, MD, the Pan American Association of Ophthalmology (PAAO) led by Mark J. Mannis, MD a new Latin-American Cornea Society named Pan-American Cornea Society (PanCornea) was created during the XXXIV International Ophthalmology Symposium Moacyr Álvaro (SIMASP) held in São Paulo, February 17-19th, to replace the Iberoamerican Cornea Society. José AP Gomes, MD was nominated the first PanCornea president. The State of the Art III was held at BPEI and the PAGSOS was incorporated at the PanCornea. A first Latin-American dry eye prevalence study was designed with the PAGSOS members. The PanCornea was officially announced at the XXIX PAAO Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as the official and only cornea sub-specialty society affiliated of the PAAO.


First PanCornea bylaws and website. Cornea day at the Regional PAAO meeting in Cartagena, Colombia in February. State of the Art IV at BPEI and the Latin American Dry Eye prevalence Study Follow up was performed with the participation of epidemiologists. The second PanCornea study group about corneal ectatic diseases, PanCone, was created.


State of the Art V at BPEI with a Delphi Panel in keratoconus. First Latin American consensus on KC which was published later in the IJKED. This consensus had the participation of members of the Cornea Society and EuCornea and served as a pilot for the I Global Consensus of Keratoconus and Ectactic Diseases. Participated at the XXX PAAO meeting in Rio de Janeiro including a course on KPro surgery. The third PanCornea study group focused on keratoprosthesis, PanKpro, was created.

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State of the Art VI in BPEI, with the topic Cornea Nightmares, workshops, web labs and I PanKpro meeting. PanKpro started to plan a multicenter study on Latin-American results of Boston I keratoprosthesis. Cornea Day and symposium on ocular surface at the Colombian Congress of Ophthalmology in Medellin, Colombia, with international participation from Asia Cornea Society. Conclusion of the I Global Consensus on Keratoconus and Ectactic Diseases during the American Academy of Ophthalmology in Chicago, USA, with the participation of PanCornea, EuCornea, AsiaCornea and Cornea society. This global consensus - the first one involving the most important corneal societies under the leadership of PanCornea president José AP Gomes, MD - was considered a milestone in the field and has helped to disseminate current information and guidelines for the diagnosis and management of keratoconus.


Publication of the Global Consensus on Keratoconus right before the VII World Cornea Congress in San Diego, CA, USA. The paper turned to be the most cited in the Cornea journal for years. State of the Art VII at BPEI entitled Cornea Dreams. Victor L. Perez, MD nominated as the second PanCornea president. Coordinated two symposiums during the XXXI PAAO meeting in Bogotá.


Last State of the Art at BPEI with a revision of the dry eye consensus from 5 years ago. First PanCornea webinars. XXXV World Ophthalmology Congress in Guadalajara, México, with an international symposium on Pterygium.


 I International PanCornea Congress in Miami, FL, USA on February 24-25th, with the participation of the most important supranational cornea and ocular surface societies, and more than 50 well-known international experts from all over the world. Participated in the XXXII PAAO meeting in Lima, Peru organizing two symposiums.


II International Pancornea Congress during the XXXVIII Biannual International Congress of the Colombian Society of Ophthalmology in Cartagena, Colombia, on July 25th. Juan Carlos Abad is nominated the third president of PanCornea.


PAAO congress in Cancun. Symposia on Kpro complications and something else. Juan Carlos Abad, MD nominated as the third PanCornea president 


DEWS II launch in Colombia in January. III Pancornea congress Buenos Aires scheduled in November.


2023 Congreso Pancornea en Acapulco