
What I showed?

What I showed?

“What I showed?” is a section of Pancornea aimed at making young ophthalmologists with a subspeciality in Cornea or young ophthalmologists aspiring to a cornea fellowship visible.  

This section allows them to comment on what they have presented as papers, posters, and talks at national and international congresses.

Having presented at a prestigious international conference, you and your team have undergone a rigorous selection process, demonstrating that your research is worth being disclosed. 

As researchers and writers, Pancornea know that behind each 5-minute presentation, there are intense hours of work that sometimes cannot be captured as we would like. We have all gone with great expectations to present a talk, and many times we have been left with a tremendously empty stage.

Pancornea has created this space to spread your work, where you can tell us about your presentation, the difficulties encountered in the process, future goals, and thanks you want to do.